Why Do We Need Code Reviews?
Code reviews offer several benefits:
- Quality Assurance: Code reviews act as a quality gate, preventing unstable or insecure code from reaching customers.
- Knowledge Sharing: When team members review each other’s code, they learn new ...
How to Conduct Code Reviews?
Here are some best practices for effective code reviews.
- Start Early: Begin code reviews as soon as possible in the development process. Waiting until the end can lead to memory gaps and cost increase.
- Choose the Right Approach: ...
What is Code Review?
Code review, also known as peer review, is a crucial software quality assurance activity. During code review, one or more individuals systematically examine and evaluate the source code of a program. The goal is to identify issues, improve code quality, and ensure that the code adheres to ...
User Manual
Create an account
Please click the login button on the main page, and then select "Create an account".
All fields, including username, your name, email, and password, are mandatory. When you have ...
How to perform code reviews using Git?
We can follow these steps to conduct effective code reviews using Git.
Clone the Repository
Start by cloning the repository using Git. This allows you to work with the latest codebase.
- Branch and Create PRs ...
User Manual Video
This video provides an introduction to this code review system.